How do you sum up a man? Surely it has to be by the enormity of his love, generosity of spirit and passion for the people he holds closest to his heart. Philly, my heart breaks for you…for your family…for the days ahead extinguished far to soon. Meeting you all those years ago on the streets of Dublin was a blessing. To find a soul such as yours in a place so far from home. You were a beacon of hope, that everything was going to work out just fine as long as we kept following our hearts and charted a line authentic to what we loved most…music. The weight of your minds demons must have truly become unbearable in recent times and I can not believe you are gone. I wish I could have done more, i am sure that will be a question myself and everyone who loved you will continue to ask for a long time to come… All I can pray is that you are free from pain, free from any darkness that once loomed over your days and you are in a place where the only black you see is the keys between the white notes. My brother, my friend, my Dublin family…you’ll be sorely missed forever. Philly, farewell… Until we meet again. R.I.P. #rip @pdunne21
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