
The music industry is an endless hallway of smoke and mirrors that will challenge your self belief and test your resolve. A fairground funhouse that by design exists to reel you in, regardless if you fall into the category of creator or consumer. The earth stamped with the shoe prints of the countless lost souls who came before trying to escape their own walls. Its a baron hillside where hearts numbed by the hum drum of routine come to make sense of the chaos they live with in silence. They come to scream and cry, dance, shout and cause mayhem…Sometimes the only thing that makes sense is to strap on a guitar, plug in and let go…The fleeting moments between complete and utter chaos and the white hot noise of the band resonating in my head…That’s where I find peace. We have so much to share with you…Counting down…3, 2, 1… SJB xx@kieranfilmsthings @elliemariewalker @logiealexis @rachelcearns @hannah_yates_music #newalbum #newvideo #single #comingsoon #countdown

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